




Entrance fees for the sauna (including use of the bathroom)

{bold}ADULT{/bold} inkl. Bathroom use
4 Hours

24,60 €

Whole day

29,90 €

Additional payment if 4 hours are exceeded.
(30 minutes each started)

1,80 €

from Sun – Thu* after 6.30 p.m., Fri and Sat after 7.30 p.m

17,90 €


*Evening tariff does not apply to sauna nights

{bold}DISCOUNTED PERSONS{/bold} inkl. Bathroom use
4 Hours

21,60 €

Whole day

24,60 €

Additional payment if 4 hours are exceeded.
(30 minutes each started)

1,20 €

from Sun – Thu* after 6.30 p.m., Fri and Sat after 7.30 p.m

15,80 €


*Evening tariff does not apply to sauna nights

per Application

11,00 €


{bold}RASUL FAMILY/GROUP CARPET{/bold} for 4 people. (max. 2 adults)
4 Hours

74,00 €

every additional child or grandchild (from 6th to 16th birthday)
4 Hours

15,80 €

Whole day

7,80 €

Surcharge if exceeding 4 Hours
(30 minutes each started) for.

1,80 €

Surcharge if exceeding 4 Hours
(each part of 30 minutes) for reduced-price people

1,20 €


* For children up to their 16th birthday upon presentation of ID as well as for pupils, students, federal volunteers and holders of a severely disabled ID card from a degree of 50.

{bold}FAMILY SAUNA DAY {/bold}

The Wasserburg sauna world is open to the whole Family on Fridays. Children between the ages of 4 and 12 can visit the sauna until 6 p.m. if accompanied by their parents.

{bold}DISCOUNT CARDS{/bold}

The respective entrance fee will be deducted from your discount card when you visit our leisure pool. Deposit for the card is €3.00


Purchase price €150.00
Discount when debiting the entrance fee 10%
Purchase price €300.00
Discount when debiting the entrance fee 15%
Purchase price €600.00
Discount when debiting the entrance fee 20%



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