




Event hall

Event hall

You can rent our event hall for events of all kinds.

Technical Data for the Hall

The hall is equipped with four indoor and three outdoor changing rooms with washrooms, shower rooms and toilets.

The practice rooms of the town band are also housed in the overall complex.

The three parts of the hall can be divided using two folding partitions. One Hall is equipped for School sports.

Area of a hall part: 27m x 15m = 405 m²
Total hall area: 27m x 45m = 1,215 m²
Height: 7m (10.6m)

Proscenium: max. 66 m²
Stage: made of 30 mm thick Spruce boards
Width 7.5 m, Depth 5.2 m, Height 1.0 m

Stage equipment:

2-part main curtain made of cotton velor

Special pulling device for pulling the main curtain sideways

Background curtain, two-piece combined with side hanger

Mobile sound and acoustic ceiling, elements adjustable at any height

Variable Proscenium:

Smallest part of the stage 2 m x 1 m, then expandable to the side and to the front in 2-metre steps (largest possible proscenium: 6 m x 11 m)

can be assembled without screws

3 mobile Exhibition stairs

Seats and Tables:

extendable Grandstands with 450 Seats

additional Seating for 800 Seats

Equipped with Tables for about 800 Visitors

Seating plans:

You can get this on request from the BADRIA Management on Tel. 0 80 71 / 92 02 10(Mon – Thu from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.) or by email info@badria.de

Exhibition (PDF)
Concert event (PDF)
Dance event (PDF)

event hall badria

Subject to change

Our event hall in Wasserburg is suitable for a variety of different events. For example, you can organize Concerts or Balls and Exhibitions. Seating for up to 800 people is possible. There are also changing Rooms, which also have Washing and Shower facilities. Our event hall in Wasserburg can be divided into three parts. As you can see, you can hold a wide variety of events in our hall.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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